Starting In July 2016 I launched a Podcast Channel "Ninja on the Loose" as an added feature to all the other online products I currently use. The podcast element turned out to be a much easier tool to incorporate under the Looseink Freelance Ninja umbrella than I expected and I will use it as a teaching/promotional tool. This page will feature links to current podcasts you can listen to right on this page with no extra apps or anything downloaded in order for you to access the file. Enjoy!
Give Me A Hand!
You can be a part of keeping this Ninja on the Loose just by becoming a Patron. That's a fancy way of saying I have a Crowdfunding opportunity in place and you can support it with as little as $1 per month. I know, that's pretty minor considering the value you will receive once I start to slowly take over the world with my massive internet empire. Well, at least that's part of the goal. For more information just click the Be My Patron on Podbean button over there on the left. Thanks!