The time difference has always been interesting for me because, on average, most of my clients Down Under are three quarters of a day ahead of me - if I did the math correctly. For example, 10:00 PM Tuesday for me is 3:00 PM Wednesday for one of my Australian clients.
What I think I love most about the Aussie connections I've made is that a bunch of them like sharing my services. I have received referrals and picked up additional work/clients from a small core group of website entrepreneurs who all know each other and have requested my services. I find this part of my work to be rewarding as I am able to assist other entrepreneurs with their business by providing the most important element to their online presence - the content.
The content is the articles, reviews, blog posts and general information you find on a website. Someone has to write all of that and it has to be interesting. I'm one of those guys writing the content. As I stated earlier it has been an interesting week of web content for me. I just finished a set of articles on false teeth and dentures. I'm working on a set on baby cribs and baby mattresses. A few days ago I finished a set on dehumidifiers. It is always different.
It has also taught me that you really can find out about absolutely anything you can imagine on the internet. It has changed how we gather information. It has changed how we shop. It has changed how we communicate with each other. What the internet has done for me in particular is shown me that the world is not so big after all. Australia is not far away when you can text or video chat with clients in real time to get things done.
It has, in a way, brought us all just a little bit closer.