What I didn’t expect at this time of year was to be so busy with my ghostwriting duties. While there has been a drop in business from a couple of my regular clients, there has been anything but a slowdown in the overall volume of work I have received in this first month of 2018. I am not complaining in any way whatsoever. I’m glad to see that some things are not the same.
If anything, the ghostwriting I have been doing in January has shifted slightly as to the geographic locations of the jobs. I still see frequent orders from Canada, United States and Australia but I have also found myself working for many new clients in several out of the way places on the globe. In fact, this month I actually took note of the precise locations of these jobs.
So far, in the time I have been writing web content as a ghostwriter I have been servicing clients in a total of 32 different countries. I had estimated it to be close to 30, but now I know. What I didn’t realize was that in the past month I have added at least five new countries to that list. It actually reads much like a list of member countries in the United Nations or some global group.
Some of the interesting locations ghostwriting work has come to me includes the Czech Republic, United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, Taiwan and the tiny island nation of Mauritius. Don’t worry, I had to look that one up as well to see where on Earth is actually was. What it told me at first is that the world has become a much smaller and compact place as a result of the internet.
Second, it told me that there are web entrepreneurs all over the globe. When I look closer at the types of articles I’ve been contracted to write and the topics they cover, I am often amazed at what many of these web developers are focusing their ecommerce sites on. I have written about so many different topics. I couldn’t begin to list them simply because it would take forever.
I am grateful to be so busy. It is an interesting contrast to the business cycle I have grown accustomed to following the past several years. For a change in my life, January has become one of my busier work months instead of one of the slowest. I don’t ever remember having to spend time at this time of year to catch up. But for my ghostwriting, this appears to be the way it is.