When I was able to write, and I have to tell you that there were a few days where I struggled to just send a one-sentence text, I notified all my clients that I was not going to be doing much work for a while. Fortunately for me, all my existing clients were okay with just waiting until I got better. That included the contract I signed in September for long-term content writing.
What Little I Remember
I was not exaggerating when I said I had difficulty putting together a short text message. By the time I was admitted to the local ER I was in a bit of a fog. My wife, Brenda says I was slurring my words. I recall very little about my time there other than sleeping. The 100-kilometre trip to the ICU in the next town over went by quickly and I know I was “in-and-out” for days.
Without getting into extensive details, I ended up with several complications and a C-Scan revealed that I was dealing with a bowel blockage rather than food poisoning. After a week in the hospital, I rested at the home of friends with Brenda about 45-minutes away from the hospital. It helped a lot and then we went home for a week and I tried to get back on track.
It Will Take A While
I discovered during the week at home that I was still far away from a full recovery. I was still weak, or I ran out of gas part way through the day. We determined that I was in no shape to shovel snow and hired a local company to handle that for us. I spent a lot of time resting and by the weekend attended the vending site Brenda and I sell her JamBusters! products at.
The first weekend wore me out. Even though I was just sitting and observing, plus visiting with vendors, customers, and friends who stopped by to check on me, the day was longer than I expected. For a few days, I thought I wasn’t making any progress but those around me could see improvement and that helped me to see that I was getting better than I could see myself.
Back To Writing, Sort Of
Although I was on a good pace in November before I got sick, my writing output has fallen considerably as I recover. In the past couple of weeks, I have completed a few small projects with my total word count in December probably closer to what I used to finish on a normal day in October. However, at this point that words and numbers of words don’t matter.
I am slowly getting back on track and in the past week have gained a great deal more strength than I have noticed in previous weeks. I am sleeping better, eating a little more and my mind is functioning to where I can write a 500-650 word blog post in a couple of hours. Thankfully, my clients have been supportive as I work my way through the path to recovery.
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